Luma - LDAP browser, utility and more.

  • porting to PyQt4.
  • porting to python-2.5 (might require python-ldap 2.2.1 or newer)
For installation-info regarding PyQt4, please read this.
2.4.x and later
  • Prompt for password if not stored in serverinfo (Currently in CVS and 2.4pre-releases)
  • Encrypt serverinfo using similar mechanisms like Mozilla/Opera uses to encrypt clientcertificates in their browser using a master password. For those who want to store passwords for connecting, but wants increased security.
  • Add support for making K5 principals from the usermanagement-plugin
  • Password dialog for smb{nt,lm]passwords using the browser-plugin (CVS and 2.4pre-releases)
If you have further feature-requests, please feel free to ask on Logo